
New Motorhome Dealer appointment

Make every day an adventure, with an affordable, luxurious motorhome from Solent Motorhomes in Poole, Dorset.

"Solent are delighted to be appointed dealers for the prestigious Adria range of van conversions and coach built motorhomes. These luxury Slovenian-built motorhomes really do offer the last word in style and carry an enviable reputation for innovative design and build quality along with a high specification and choice of factory options.

Choose from the very popular Twin Sports and Supreme van conversion models through to the Compact, Matrix and Coral coach built motorhomes and the stunning Sonic A Class. Each model can be specified to the owner’s liking with engine and chassis options in some cases. Dealer fit options are extensive – just tell us what you require!"

Solent Motor Homes Ltd

5 Upton Road



BH17 7AA

01202 801705


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